Mason Jars, Did You Know?

Mason Jars & Drinking Out Of Cups

I have a  confession to make.  I have a deep infatuation with mason jars.  I don't know if it's because my roots are in a town known for its moonshine or what, but part of the design and dinning experience in my kitchen is mason jars.     Not only are they adorable for how you can dress your plate and adding to the signature design of your dish,

but also how versatile they are.  The are perfect for storing and stacking left overs and ingredients. (they definitely are room savers in my fridge) And I have never been fond of the plastic storage containers. After using those for not so many times with any acidic sauces, the sauce stains the plastic...I just have a hard time believing that plastic is clean...  

Oh and did you know they are perfect for storing your cannabis! ;-) 


I even serve my soups and cereals in mason jars rather the cold liquids in wine glasses.  In fact I believe all the cups in my home are either mason jars or wine glasses (lol).  Another amazing fact, with mason jars and also with porcelain, how both hold temperature acts as a warning for your body.  Both when touched if too hot on the outside to bring to your mouth it is too hot to consume. Got to love the multipurpose uses with these guys.

I'd say Mason Jars add to my happiness! ;-) 


- Canna Chef Dee

The Happy Chef THC
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