Intelligent Intoxication: How to dose yourself properly with Edibles.

Intelligent Intoxication:
How to dose yourself properly with Edibles

Have you, a friend, or maybe someone you merely conversed with told you they had a bad experience on edibles?  They got sick, couldn't move, fell asleep, too strong?  I most certainly have and that does NOT make this chef happy at all. Those are not the enjoyable side effects that are capable of this amazing plant/herb. 
Everyone's tolerance is different depending on your mass and metabolism.  
And I BELIEVE that EVERYONE has the right to enjoy these effects at the level they wish.  

In my career I have definitely met the avid or extreme connoisseurs/users (Snoop Dogg, B-Real of Cypress Hill, George Clinton, Growers, Canna Chefs, etc).  
I have also met the more frequent consumer who enjoy cannabis as an equivalent to a cocktail when they get off work or as a mere smoking a j in a social setting.
Then I have also met the lower tolerance users.  They use the plant as a natural soothing herb for there joints, as a relief of the pains of aging , or ones minstrel cycle. They may take a toke here and there or love it in their teas and coffees.  And then maybe sometimes they like to get a little crazy with it and take a little more for a good time on occasion.  
These can all be enjoyable doses 
 you are dosed properly to your tolerance.
Under the THC RECIPES tab on my website under DOSAGES you will find my H³ breakdown to help you get the mg dose for your desired level of medication. I have broken each one into three levels of doses: 
These methods will educate each user to reach the level of euphoria they prefer. 

Everything in this world has the potential to be overdosed on.  People, places, things, music, food, even water.  Why they say "moderation is key." An amazing fact about this magical plant is that there are zero records of anyone that has died of an overdose of Marijuana. Which makes Cannabis 100% safer than alcohol and ANY other drug you can put in your body. 
So my advice for the beginners or lower tolerances, start with the Healthy Dose with a lower mg and then, if needed, you can always eat more.  That's why we make it taste so good! ;-)

Check my website at , tab "THC RECIPES", then, "DOSAGES", "INTELLIGENT INTOXICATION" for The Happy Chef - H³ Methods. 
